Saturday, 7 April 2012


USA/UK Bonus Qualifications
 for our Australian Convention
August 13 - 15, 2012

Hello New USA/UK Inspired Teams!

We are excited to announce that you have an opportunity of a lifetime to join us in Australia for our 2nd Annual Inspired Convention for FREE!  While we realize you will only have a short time to qualify, you have an opportunity right now to sponsor some great new team members and that is truly what this promotion is all about!

Remember - you can qualify for Convention with our regular qualifications however if you would like to build a massive team in record time, this additional promotion may be just the answer!

We can't wait to host you in Australia's number one vacation spot - The Gold Coast.

See below for your special qualfications.

Colleen Walters
CEO and Founder
Your Inspiration At Home

Join Us Downunder, Mate!
Achieve 1, 2 and 3

1. Sponsor 20 Personal Active Consultants Direct * 
2. Personally Sell $5,000 RRP USD or GBP
3. Have Personal Team Sales of $10,000 USD or GBP.

*Active means placing a qualifying Tasting Party order of $200 RRP or more

You Earn a Free Trip to Gold Coast, 5 nights accommodation at the Convention Hotel, Convention Package for Leaders and Consultants. 

Qualifications started on March 1st and ends July 31st, 2012 for this bonus promotion so you have 4 months remaining! That's only 5 Qualified Consultants per month!