Sunday, 5 February 2012

Hitting the Blogging Trail

    What am I doing here?  Fair question!  It seems that I have too many ideas and opinions to share amongst my designated outlets, ie. friends, family, Webinars, fellow consultants, fellow leaders, FB page, Foodie column in local monthly paper....  I thought I would saddle up the blogging pony and take her for a ride.  I do not vow to blog every day, although I also do not vow NOT to!

I fully expect my busy lifestyle (cough cough) to interfere with my incessant need to voice my view of the world on occasion.

    This seems like the perfect time for a little background, because I do so love to talk about myself... haha.  I am a work at home mother of two school aged cherubs.  My husband is employed in the mining industry and graces us with his presence for six of every twelve days on a rotating roster.  Whilst he is home, Mr Charming is subjected to endless taste trials.  He seems pretty happy with this deal, as are Miss C and Master R, because it means that they dont have to eat ALL the stuffed artichoke hearts themselves.

    My friends and neighbours are often summoned to my home to collectively evaluate the most recent of my creations.  There have been some doozies I can assure you!  Everything from crocodile to capsicum has been offered up on the tasting table.  Meat dishes are often met with suspicion... because I never tell until AFTER they have tasted.... (*Insert evil laugh here)

    We live in a rural community in North Queensland, Australia.  I say community because it isnt even big enough to be considered a town. Sigh!  The Whitsundays is a gorgeous place to live, although we are inundated by rain for five months of the year.  You may find there is substantially more blogging done by me when I am trapped inside, hiding from the torrential rain, thunderstorms and cyclones, which make living in the WETSUNDAYS so entertaining!

    I will sign off for now, to allow you to have enough time to prepare yourself for tomorrow's first step on our gastronomic adventure together. 

Enjoy the rest of your day.  Lets go gourmet tomorrow!

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