Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Who nose?

    Please explain to me what it is about the combination of onion, garlic and bacon sauteeing on the stovetop or bbq that reduces me to a slobbering mess on the kitchen floor?!  There is simply NO BETTER aroma in the world! 

    Yet again, after completing all the mummy chores, tucking Miss C and Master R safely into their beds, I realised I was yet to fulfill my half of the standing agreement I have to fuel my body.  Inclination and motivation levels were low and so I hit the pantry for my favourite 10 minute meal.  The simple baked potato!  Ok,  I keep raw potatoes, not baked ones in the pantry....

    After forking the potato like a crazed murderer in a Michael Connelly novel, I slipped it into the microwave and zapped it on high for ten minutes.  Yes..... I CHEATED!  I do prefer my potatoes wrapped in foil and baked in the oven but..... noone was watching. lol 

    Whilst the potato was contentedly spinning on the glass plate, soaking up those dreaded microwaves I took to the fridge.  Garlic was located first, smashed, bruised and chopped and tossed into to pan with the Garlic Oil.  Half an onion and a rasher of bacon were chopped an happily joined the garlic popping away.  The aromas blended together, filling my airconditioned house, so when I next turn the aircon on...   A couple of tomatoes were chopped and thrown in the pan for good measure.

    PING PING PING!  My dodgy potato alerted me that it was time to exit.  Ow ow ow!  Use tongs next time will ya! I did the Hot Potato dance to the plate on the bench on the other side of the kitchen.  The spud was then again unceremoniously attacked with cutlery, exposing its perfectly cooked centre and letting the steam escape! 

    The contents of the pan were delicately (not) dumped onto the potato and topped with a little grated Tasty Cheese and a dollop of sour cream.  Sweet Chilli Sauce topped it off perfectly!  Whilst not a gourmet meal... it was absolutely delish!

    If I was REALLY serious about this aroma stuff... maybe I should have had a batch of brownies baking  for dessert!  Or maybe a loaf of herb bread in the oven.   GREAT!  Now I am hungry again... I was given a recipe yesterday for some cream cheese muffins so maybe I owe it to the kids to test it out!

Later today, lets go gourmet.... x x

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